Hyrox is a global fitness race for Every Body. Participants from all around the world compete in the exact same format. The race starts with a 1 km run, followed by 1 functional movement, which repeats 8 times, taking place in large indoor venues, creating a unique stadium like atmosphere for all participants.

52% of gym members now cite fitness as their primary sport. Fitness is the largest sport in the world and HYROX is the first mass participation event that gives everyday gym-goers their own race to train for.  HYROX bridges the gap between traditional endurance events with functional fitness, to create a race format for Every Body.

CrossFit W - Schoten is an official licensed Hyrox Gym

We tried it and we liked it! There is not much more to say about it :) Our coaches liked it, we have members participating races and it's an extension of our Bootcamp and CrossFit offer. Come and join our community!

Want to start and train for HYROX?